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A modern, dynamic and flexible company, equipped with people, means and technologies to be competitive in the world of telecommunications, which evolving rapidly,

it requires prompt answers.

Synerging creativity and technology as much as possible, putting them at the service of integrated communication, is one of our missions.


We believe that what's best for customers is best for us too.

Ours is a philosophy oriented towards understanding the needs of users and the development of customized solutions, the flexible approach and the

advanced technologies combined with the awareness of the preciousness of teamwork

are the weapons that allow us to provide a "customer-friendly" service.


Already from the first years of activity CLG EUREKA manages to obtain excellent results such as to quickly become a solid reality.


To date, it has several construction sites on the national territory in 8 Regions including Calabria, Liguria, Veneto, Lazio, Emilia Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lombardy and Piedmont.


The extremely positive results achieved so far,  

they charge us with a responsibility  even greater  towards those who believe and trust  to our company and to the goodness of its work.


We want to ensure an interconnected society,
creating telecommunication networks and developing ICT solutions
always in step with the times.





We expect a future where people are
increasingly interconnected,

where to travel is always
faster and safer, and in which, to do all this, there is a sustainable use of resources.


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